Manila Office: (02) 8-689-1928

4th JEF was Successful

October 13, 2017 | JEP

The 4th Japan Education Fair and Convention held last September 9 in Manila and September 10 in Cebu came in a massive success after a total of 3,000 attended the event to experience the kaleidoscopic culture of Japan.
Twenty-two universities and language schools from Japan joined the event to showcase their programs and the services that they offer to foreign students, most especially to Filipinos who wish to Study and build a career in Japan.
A series of talks were conducted during the event including, Study in Japan Survival Tips and Opportunities & Demands in Japan for Filipinos.
The attendees also had the opportunity to learn the basics of Nihongo during the Nihongo 101-Nihongo Tutorial and Calligraphy activity presided by the Nihongo teachers of Jellyfish Education Consultancy (JEC) Manila and Cebu.
Japan is indeed a country with a flourishing culture in terms of Art, it was depicted during the event through various presentations such as the kendo performance, which a type of Japanese martial arts now known all throughout the world. Games and contests on kendama where most of the participants were invited from the attending crowd.
“It was educational and fun, Makes participants understand and appreciate Japanese Culture” said one of the attendees when asked about their experience during the 4th Japan Education Fair and convention.
Jellyfish Education Consultancy (JEC), the host of the successful event is very grateful to everyone who supported and joined the event. After seeing the love and interest for the Japanese culture from the Filipinos, JEC is more than excited to formally announce that the 5th Japan Education Fair and Convention will be on September 8 2018 in Cebu and September 9 2018 in Manila. JEC is inviting everyone to join again next year while they prepare for a bigger and more fun 5th Japan Education Fair and Convention.